
+55 5555 555

Super 8 One Reel 2015


Timecode:NOLA’s 5th annual


The Timecode:NOLA Super 8 ONE REEL Contest is an event in which filmmakers have to shoot a movie on one roll of Super 8 film.  All of their edit decisions must be made while shooting, since the filmmaker will not see their film before it is developed (YES! it’s actually on FILM!).  Timecode:NOLA will then get the film developed and transferred, but the first time anyone will see it is at the Premiere.  Even the filmmakers will be in the dark! Flaws and all. Masterpiece or terrible.  These three and half minute black and white silent movies will be accompanied by New Movement Theater Comedian MC Chris Trew and a live film score by Ratty Scurvics, piano virtuoso.

One roll of film. Up to three minutes. Only editing in camera. Anything goes.

The guidelines are simple. You’ll come pick up your film at our Pick Up Party at the Lost Love Lounge on Friday, March 20th, and return it the following Sunday, March 29th at the Lost Love Lounge at our Drop Off Party. Then it’s time to screen the results at the Premiere on Friday, April 17th at 8PM at One Eyed Jacks (615 Toulouse Street, New Orleans, LA 70130). It’s 50 bucks to participate. That fee covers the film, processing, and HD transfer. You will receive your original film back as well as an HD file.

If you don’t have a Super 8 camera, don’t sweat it. You can borrow a camera from us on March 20th as well, so there’s no excuses for not joining in the fun. There is a $50 deposit on the camera. Return it without breaking it, and you’ll get your money back!

Aspiring Spielberg? Art school dropout? Soccer Mom? Super 8 is the great equalizer. Its easy, and fun. Anyone can play! Shoot whatever you’d like. There are no rules as to what you can put on screen, but be warned – no one is going to see the films beforehand, so if your film is under or overexposed, no one’s gonna know til it’s too late. The show must go on!







Rules for the One Reel Super 8 Film Festival

  • Apply online or in person by March 20th at the Lost Love Lounge. Registration is $55, covering film, processing, and HD transfer.  On March 20th, you will receive your film at the Kick-off party at the Lost Love Lounge beginning at 7 pm.
  • If you absolutely can not make the event, make alternate pick up plans with Randy Perez at perez@timecodenola.com. You may be able to receive film at a different time, but NO ONE CAN RECEIVE FILM BEFORE 8 PM ON MARCH 20th.
  • You will receive one roll of Super 8 film. YOU WILL ONLY RECEIVE ONE ROLL OF FILM PER REGISTRATION. If you lose your film we can’t give you another roll to replace your lost film.
  • If you need to rent a Super 8 camera, it is a $50 deposit at the time of receipt. You will receive your money back at the time of return. You can rent a camera the night of March 20th or anytime that week until Saturday, March 28th.  (please do not rent a camera unless you Absolutely have to, do to the limited amount of available cameras)
  • Return your film on March 29th beginning at 8pm at the Lost Love Lounge. You must edit the film in camera, so if the film has been processed, we won’t accept it.
  • If you absolutely can not make it to the Drop Off party on March 29th, you can make plans to return the film elsewhere prior to the Drop Off Party. However, NO FILM WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE END OF THE DROP OFF PARTY ON MARCH 29th.
  • All films will be screened at One Eyed Jacks on Friday, April 17th beginning at 10:00 PM. Your registration fee includes ONE ticket to this event. Any additional tickets needed for the event must be purchased separately.