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Jon Wood

Jon Wood

In just a few years, Jon Wood has risen from a set PA to one of the most influential independent producers in New Orleans. Jon became involved with Timecode during film school, starting out as an intern, but soon began helping to push forward Timecode events like the Super 8 Film Fest, Joint Picture Project, and eventually Timecode Film Fests 1 & 2. Shortly after leaving film school, he completed his first feature film, A Quiet Storm, which received rave reviews as well as worldwide distribution. Jon followed that film up by winning the $50,000 #CreateLouisiana grant to make the short film Plaquemines – the largest short film grant given out in history to date. After producing shows such as Cleo Speaks and the Woke Series, Jon began his second tenure at Timecode in 2023. He spends his free time working as an international talent agent.