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Joint Picture Project 3

Joint Picture Project 3

Let’s go!

Timecode:NOLA is back with our 3rd annual Joint Picture Project. The Joint Picture Project is where we throw out a theme & give all our ambitious filmmakers 3 weeks to make a 5 minute fiction short in New Orleans. We take the best 15 shorts and edit them into a concise feature-length film which premieres the Saturday night of Timecode:NOLA’s FF|3 Indie Film Fest (April 18th, 2015)

This year’s film will happen over one night in New Orleans.  Each filmmaker will be given a timeframe between 7pm to 7am. Each film must happen in New Orleans in the randomly selected time frame. Keep in mind your timeframe, and what stories would be happening at that time.  We are building a feature film, we are all in this together, so we must make this thing cohesive.  The 15 films selected will create the final feature film.  From dust till dawn a lot of trouble can happen in New Orleans.

Black & White, 5 minutes or less, set in New Orleans, and happens during your randomly selected time frame…them’s the rules…

You get 3 weeks to make 5 minutes so don’t half ass it. Rewrite your script, make sure your audio is perfect, take time with your shots, spend more than a weekend on your edit and feed your damn crew! We don’t care how nice your camera is if the story sucks. Past Joint Picture Projects have screened in film festivals around the US & Europe and are now available on dvd. The better the shorts, the better our feature, so make us proud and show us what you got.





For those that don’t know…Here are the last two Joint Picture Project trailers.

Humidity (2013)

Where Y’at? (hello.) (2012)