Timecode:NOLA | EP. 102
Episode two, featuring an interview with Nick Faust of Video Alternatives, Aaron Walker’s “Summer Light”, “Flyweight” by Lenny Feller, and Zeitgeist’s Rene Broussard talking about his film “Norman Rockwell Never Painted a Fat Kid.”
“Lipstick” Cold Open by Aaron Rushin
“Timecode:NOLA on…” featuring Nick Faust talking about his video store, Video Alternatives.
“Summer Light” directed by Aaron Walker followed by an interview with Aaron – Summer Light explores a young boy’s vile existence imprisoned in a junkyard by his cruel master, Glack. Travelers come and go, peruse Glack’s wares and sometimes buy. When one day an aristocratic gentleman arrives with eyes for the boy, Glack’s greed overcomes him.
“Flyweight” directed by Lenny Feller – A down on his luck father convinces his son to take part in a bare knuckle fight against a local barkeep to finally make some money. Things unfortunately don’t go as planned.
Diary of a Filmmaker: Guy Wood part 2
“Norman Rockwell Never Painted a Fat Kid” by Renee Broussard followed by an interview with Renee – An autobiographical look at the death of Renee’s father and finding out he was an obese child, as well as describing a lover using appropriated video and family photos.